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The Fall

About 13,000 to 16,000 years ago our ancestors the Atlanteans planned to birth new consciousness on Earth. The Ascended Masters split Atlantis in half down the middle vertically and horizontally to represent the female and male half the human brain. Everybody lived on whichever side their brain was dominant, it wasn't necessarily tied to gender. They lived this way for a few hundred years then they selected a few people to represent the corpus callosum: the membrane between the two hemispheres of the brain that communicates between both sides. These people could go anywhere in Atlantis. After this they made a fourth dimensional overlay of the tree of life over Atlantis and each circle of the tree represented different energies. We as a young female minded race did not fill two of the circles. These were just open energy vortexes drawing in life.

One of the vortexes drew in the Hebrews. They were a little more advanced than us in understanding of things like math and science they just hadn't made it to the next level yet. The other empty vortex drew in Martians. These Martians that came to us used a synthetic Merkaba to travel through time and space to escape the destruction of their own planet by their own hands. They were big participants in the Lucifer experiment of creation without love. They tried to take over as soon as they arrived, were subdued, and slowly gained power with their left brain inventions, controlling money and so on. They made us in to more of a male race that saw things with our left brain of logic and cold facts. We also had an effect on them to get them more in touch with their emotional bodies.

Structures from "Cydonia" on Mars.

When a meteor was coming to hit the Earth we convinced the Martians to allow it to happen, they wanted to blow it out of the sky. To our more female sensibities the meteor was in divine order and should be allowed to happen. They relented, allowed the meteor to hit, and it struck off the coast of their part of the island of Atlantis and they suffered the greatest losses. They were furious and decided no more feelings, they're going to build another synthetic Merkaba and take over the world which would work except it had been thousands of years since they'd done it and they didn't remember exactly how.

They attempted to build the pyramids and necessary geometries to create the synthetic Merkaba anyway. An out of control synthetic Merkaba is probably the most dangerous thing in the universe. They tore a hole through the dimensions, thousands of lower dimensional beings were pulled to Earth with no bodies. Each person on Atlantis had hundreds of entities entering their bodies and making them sick. It was hell on Earth. The chain of events caused by this out of control synthetic Merkaba led to us rapidly falling through the dimensional levels as far as you can possibly go to where we are now. The seat of our consciousness moved from our hearts to our brains and this has been the cause of all the worlds problems.

The Ascended Masters -people who had just made it a little further in consciousness than everyone else- were way in over their heads to fix this situation themselves so they prayed to the highest levels of life they could and were given instructions for an experiment to try to get us back to the level of awareness that we had and it had to be done quick. We had 13,000 years to reach the next level or we would destroy ourselves and we did it. It's been done. The experience is in the human consciousness grid, it's in our DNA, everybody is making the ascension.

Higher consciousness doesn't do us vs them, silly divisions, they were only interested in a solution that would save everyone on Earth. The solution was to synthetically create a new Christ consciousness grid from the remnants of the old one. Thoth and a few other Ascended Masters built all of the sacred sites all over the world to create the new christ consciousness grid. The construction of these sacred sites 70,000 or so of them transcended time, it didn't matter what culture, if they were built by human labor, or thought into existence by 6th dimensional beings like the great pyramid, their placement and purpose was orchestrated by one consciousness.

This synthetic christ consciousness grid built by the Ascended Masters and worked on by people all over the world over the last 13,000 years is what makes everything possible. Without it, it would be over. We probably would've destroyed ourselves and this planet during the cold war if we didn't have members of our race and other races, who knew we were so close to making it back, working so hard to keep us on the best timeline, where we make it back to the level we were once at.

Our evolution has been greatly accelerated. Normally it takes a species hundreds of thousands of years to reach the next level naturally but, because we had already been there we got permission to synthetically have our evolution accelerated and we had the most advanced members of our race slowly giving us new knowledge when we were ready to help us along.

There are beings like the Greys and Reptilians who kill and mess with us but the vast majority of consciousness loves us. We owe so much to them and especially the Sirians for us still existing today.