Earth andGalaxy

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All of consciousness is emanations from God. The dimensions are frequency ranges divided just like musical octaves on a pentatonic scale. We exist on five or more octaves simultaneously. When something happened 13,000 years ago that caused us to fall in consciousness and through the dimensional levels we lost connection to our higher selves. Usually when a species awakens normally and slowly they become aware of multidimensionality first and are always in communication with the higher dimensions through their higher selves. Re-establishing this connection with your higher self is the most important thing you can do.

When you have communication with your higher self you always have access to the wisdom most relevant to you from someone that loves you dearly, it's you. You will always be guided. Connecting with the higher self is different for everybody but when you have the intention to expand your awareness and move accordingly I think it inevitably happens.

If we in the third dimension were rowing down a densely forested river we could only see to the next and last bend in the river and don't tend to remember that far back. Our higher selves are eagles flying above the river. They can see much further ahead, where our path is taking us. So if our higher self says to do something that seems inconvenient at first like pull up to the shore and carry the canoe a few miles through the woods it's wise to listen to guidance. They can see better than we can where things are going.

The paragraphs below are the hard way to get in touch with your higher self. Beautiful but more difficult. The easiest way to get in touch with your higher self, so easy a child can do it, is to go to the tiny space of the heart and call them in.

To connect with your higher self you have to go through your lower self. Everything happens in threes, we have the higher self, lower self, and us where we are. Your lower self is the subconscious mind. It's the Earth. The higher self is you from the next dimension and is mostly concerned with what you came here to do. The lower self is you but 4-6 years old.

To get in touch with your lower self you have to remember childlike innocence. When you look into a child's eyes and there's nothing there, no ego making judgments, just being pure in the moment, that's it. Dowsing is communication with the lower self, it's Mother Earth. Being in nature away from all the artifical things we're surrounded with is a good way to get in touch with the lower self. You have to have childlike innocence and you have to play. You gotta have fun. When Mother Earth sees you being her child and playing with the world that's when she'll decide you're ready for your higher self. You can ask your lower self to get you in contact with your higher self any time you want but if they say no there's nothing you can do but continue to play.

To the Kahunas it was essential to ask your higher self if they really are your higher self because it could be your lower self pretending to be the higher self. The lower self is a child it's something they might do and they'll never lie to you they'll tell you right away. I've experienced this myself.

Background Credit: ESO