Earth andGalaxy

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Creation Workshop

In this workshop I'll guide you through the process of projecting dreams and images from the heart to the external reality. You can create anything you want without doing harm to anything. This is how we step out of the 3rd dimension: start creating reality from the heart. All higher consciousness lives this way.

We'll breathe prana, move down into the heart, connect to our higher selves, and activate the beams of light. Then we'll connect the heart to the brain through the tantra of the heart. Your natural, heart-based, Golden Merkaba will activate permanently, and you can love the images and dreams of the heart. In this state of consciousness you can manifest them in the external reality.

Inspired by the "Awakening the Illuminated Heart" workshop by Drunvalo Melchizedek.

Expect this to take an entire afternoon to complete.

I highly recommend reading "Living in the Heart" by Drunvalo Melchizedek to get a deeper understanding of what the sacred space of the heart is all about.

Creation Workshop - Several Hours - $333

One-on-One Soul Coaching

If you feel called to work with me my goal is to get you to a place where you can feel the energy and tap in to source on your own. I want to guide you to your heart and show you how to speak to your higher self and guides, show you how to move through stuck energy and emotional blockages that could be hindering you from sensing the vibrations of love that are assisting you.

One-on-One Soul Coaching - 30 minute or 1 hour - $55 or $111

Nutrition Consultation

If you'd like to use raw foods to improve your health, meet any goal, or heal any malady, I can show you what foods to eat, when to eat them, why, and how they work. I've healed my IBS, detoxed a lot of heavy metals from my digestive tract, helped others to improve their health, and gotten myself into the best state of being I've ever been in and I just keep feeling better eating this way.

Wholly based on the Primal diet by Aajonus Vonderplanitz. I Highly recommend reading his book "We Want to Live". It's full of amazing stories of healing with raw foods.

This is not medical advice and I am not a doctor.

Nutrition Consultation - 1 hour - $111

Background Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI)