Earth andGalaxy

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In this time of ascension Earth and our food are being poisoned. Mother Earth gives us everything we need to protect our bodies and be nourished despite that. An understanding of diet and our physiology is essential so we can be nourished, focus our energy constructively, and not be tangled in disease.

Your body is always working to get you to the highest state of health possible. The body is incredibly intelligent; every one of your cells loves you and wants you to thrive. Every ache or painful illness we experience is our bodies trying to remove toxic substances, cellular waste, and debris so we can become more alive. If we give our bodies the best pure raw material possible for accomplishing that task we can turn back the clock, remove what is keeping parts of our bodies dead, restore the wholeness of those parts, and experience energy levels we never have before. Energetic flow increases every step of the way and it just gets easier.

The Materials

Raw Dairy
Milk, Cream, Butter, Cheese

Raw dairy is incredibly nutritious and healing. Milk is a steady supply of water soluble fat that is only available raw; It gets destroyed above a cows natural body temperature. Raw milk has tons of minerals and the enzymes for utilizing those minerals. It has beneficial bacteria for digesting itself and improving the digestion of everything you eat. Any time I've been sick raw milk is my favorite food.

Raw Meat
Red Meat, White Meat, Fish

Raw meat is the best thing in the world for building our bodies. Nothing increases cellular reproduction like raw meat with raw fat does. Red meat builds muscle, produces blood, and strangely is good for the eyes. White meat increases cellular reproduction of ligaments, most organs, glands, and connective tissue. White meat like chicken is good to have during a cold. Fish is the best meat for feeding the brain and nervous system with all its minerals and fat.

Raw Eggs

Eggs have every nutrient known to man. It is a complete food. Good for regenerating all of your cells it just can't increase cellular reproduction like meat can. Raw eggs are the most easily digested food on Earth. They'll completely digest within 25 minutes absorbing within the first few inches of the digestive tract. Raw eggs with raw milk just behind it is the best fall back food. They'll get you nourished.

Green Vegetable Juice
Mainly Celery and some other veggies for their desired effect

Vegetable juice is our tonic to balance out the acidic pollution in our bodies. Healthy clean people don't need it but for most of us it brings our bodies into balance and feels really good. It also has plentiful enzymes to help us replenish our enzyme supply that's been diminished from years of eating cooked foods that have had their enzymes destroyed.

Unheated Honey

Honey is magical. Bees eat nectar from flowers, digest it, and throw it back up. When they've done this and the honey hasn't gotten above 98.2 degrees Fahrenheit, honey has an insulin like substance that makes it very easy for us to absorb. The pancreas does very little work. 90% of unheated honey becomes enzymes when we eat it, mainly for digesting protein.

Raw Coconut Cream

Raw coconut cream takes a little work to acquire. You have to juice the white coconut meat of a mature coconut with strong juicer to get it, but it is well worth it. It's the most detoxifying fat. Coconut cream has the perfect ratio of oil, fat, and carbohydrate for making solvent to dissolve toxic areas in our body along with the whole fat to immediately bind with that toxicity so it doesn't damage anything on its way out of the body. Like anything else it's best raw and unfrozen so the water soluble fat and vitamins are intact.


Different fruits have all kinds of varying effects. Picking the fruit you crave and having it with raw fat is one of the best ways to detoxify specific toxicity in your body. I refer to the book "We Want to Live" by Aajonus Vonderplantiz to see what fruit combinations he recommends for any specific symptom. Fruit is the cherry on top for tackling specific problems. Also, fruit's a tasty snack.

If we eat these foods in accordance with our bodily rhythms and use some special remedies and practices in respect to our individual circumstances we can get the most value from what we eat and make the most significant progress to being our most alive.

Everything is light

Raw organic food is a healing modality that greatly speaks to me. It's returning to Earth and her love for everything we need to be well. It only makes sense that we would return to our mother to give our nervous systems a rest and regnerate under her protection. Raw food providing all the special, fragile, sensitive, and important molecules/chemicals that don't survive heat and cold. Our bodies can make what it doesn't have but why make it work harder? I think it's lovely to be given everything you need and more.

An important thing to remember is that we choose to have our experiences. Any time we have a hard time it's good to ask: "Why did I create this imbalance and what did I hope to learn from it?". This way we can gain the wisdom and not need to experience the same malady again.