Earth andGalaxy

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Our wireless technology is very primitive and anti-life. We send transverse electromagnetic waves flying everywhere on varying frequencies. Some of the frequency ranges we use for communication are in the same frequencies that bees use to communicate. We have all kinds of different channels for different purposes and for some reason we're using frequencies that interfere with the natural communications of creatures on Earth.

The microwaves flying through the air haphazardly agitate the Orgone energy in the atmosphere. The Orgone gets overexcited and dies becoming "Deadly Orgone" or "DOR". DOR sucks energy from it's surroundings instead of passing it around. Orgonite draws in the surrounding Orgone where it bounces around rapidly on the metal and when it exits the Orgonite it's recharged. Orgonite makes agitated, stagnant energy around it into stable "Positive Orgone" or POR. Whether it's from negative emotions, poisoned environments be it chemicals or electrosmog, Orgonite transmutes energy into healthful positive energy. It can clear a hazy shroud of cloud in the sky and restore dense beautiful fluffy clouds.

Beautiful energy rich days are becoming more rare all over the place. I live for those sunny days where the sky is deep blue with fluffy clouds and when a breath of air seems to push itself into your lungs. When, regardless of temperature, the sun feels warm with no harshness. I believe Orgonite and other energy devices can help restore our environment, especially when we consciously program it to do so. I think our crystal friends would love to help.

Orgonite is just a 50/50 mix of organic material (organic as in carbon based) and metal with a quartz crystal. The quartz crystal gives the organic matrix (polyester resin in my case) more structure. When the resin expands and solidifies it squeezes the quartz which causes it to release an electric charge that structures the matrix. Energy likes to travel in spirals and have channels to follow so I think this is helpful. The crystal also allows us to program the orgonite with our intention.

My orgonite helped this onion bloom.

To get the greatest effect from orgonite where you actually see changes in the sky you have to have enough to gift it to every source of DOR in the area, every cell phone tower, source of nuclear radiation, hospital, morgue, dillapidated neighborhood, neighborhood with smart meters, etc. Orgonite really shines when you can spread it far and wide. One muffin mold orgonite or "tower buster" is effective for about a quarter mile. One tower buster is good for a single cell phone tower.