Earth andGalaxy

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All of creation is flowing with consciousness. Our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs shape reality. This energy that flows through, around us, and responds to us has been called Orgone, Chi, Mana, Ki, Prana. With conscious attention we can remember self empowerment.

The energy of life and consciousness flows through and permeates all matter on a galactic and microscopic scale. Beings in the cosmos dance and create reality on their level. A Galaxy has beliefs about what it should look like what it wants to experience just like you and I. A rock a beetle and a crystal all do the same. All matter is communicating telepathically constantly making agreements about what reality will be.

Angels guide us here on Earth. Beings from civilizations in other star systems visit us. Galactic energy flows into and charges the Earth and every living being, entering through our crowns. The energy of consciousness has no mass and can travel enormous distances instantly.

Matter holds no judgment and plays with whatever idea, belief, energy, is put forth. The time we live in is conducive to expansion. Swathes of people are broadening their awareness of the subtle energies and learning how their thoughts and what they project affects reality.

We live in a consciousness field that holds all the potential experiences in the universe.

One of the most important hermetic teachings as in, coming from Hermes/Thoth is: As above so below. The entire universe is contained within each and every one of us. If you were to go inside the Earth and dive far enough you would find the same night sky that we see on the surface. All the stars and features exactly the same. Everything is whole and perfect as it is. There are no missing pieces it's all within.

The most distant stars are right at your fingertips. Everything you've ever experienced is contained within a sphere around your body, a hand above your head, and below your feet that perfectly contains you.

Here's a beautiful example of reality. In the third dimension what you think and feel, what you resonate with becomes reality. It can take some time but it happens. Your beliefs create reality. In the 4th dimension what you think becomes reality instantly. If someone were to reach the 4th dimension before they were completely ready and they still had fear they'd instantly be creating their fears. This would surely be terrifying and escalate until they destroyed themselves and got spit back out in the 3rd dimension. However, if you have no fear and recognize the truth of the universe it would embrace you. Sitting there thinking and feeling truth, love, harmony, peace, it would be created and you can explore and ascend.

Pranic Breathing

The original way we breathe is through a breathing tube that runs through the top of our head, through our spines, and out the perineum. You can see these areas throbbing in newborn babies because they are still breathing in the original way. Each persons tube is the size of the circle formed by touching the tips of the middle finger and thumb. The breathing tube meets our Leonardo sphere exactly one hand's length above our head and one hand's length below our feet. Our bodies truly are the measuring stick of the universe.

To breathe prana visualize golden energy coming in to your breathing tube from the top and bottom. Inhale and feel this energy come in and meet in a sphere at your heart chakra. This sphere is about the size of a basketball. If you touch the tips of your middle fingers with your hands pointing straight at each other the length of both your hands is the exact size of your sphere.

On an inhale see, sense, or feel golden energy entering through the top and bottom of your breathing tube and meeting in this spere around your heart chakra. On the exhale see, sense, or feel this golden energy expand in all directions and fill your leonardo sphere. If it's easier to breathe through one side than the other then just focus on breathing through the weak end for a few breaths until you get the feel for it then continue breathing through both ends and having it meet at the heart.

If you plan on activating your Merkaba and creating reality from the sacred space of the heart then it's essential to know how to breathe prana. This is energy from the next dimension powering our reality. It's a very healing practice it releases a lot of tension from my body. We can send this prana to anywhere in the body we want, anywhere we feel needs some special attention.

Background Credit: ESO/PHANGS