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We have beams of light like antenna that come from our pineal chakra. We've forgotten they're there, how to use them, and what they're for so instead of being strong straight beams most peoples beams are blurry blobs on the sides of their heads. We have to use our intention to get them to condense and form regular beams again.

Having our beams in tact and connected is important so we can open our third eye, form the halo sphere around our heads, activate the Merkaba, and from this state with the third eye open and the golden halo sphere around our heads we can love the images we love the most from the tiny place in the heart and project them to our outer reality. There is no duality in creating this way. We can create whatever we want from the heart and it's okay. We can also get ourselves into that state of consciousness and let God create through us.

Jesus pointing to his sacred heart with his beams of light and golden halo sphere around his head. Jesus was always in the heightened state of consciousness with his third eye active and the golden halo sphere around his head.

Our beams are our antenna connecting our heart to the outer reality. Many tribes around the world remember the beams. The Kahunas from Hawaii activate their childrens beams for them. When they were hungry and needed fish they would go into prayer, telling Mother Earth that they need food and ask for her guidance. Then they would look to nature for signs and one such possibility is a cloud over the ocean would turn into a hand and point down. Right in that spot would be fish. Everything can be done internally and it's so much easier that way. Everything is within you.

A Navajo Kachina doll. The Hopi and Navajo say the Kachinas are spirits that visit them often. They're always depicted with beams coming from their heads.

The Beams of light are perfectly straight, the exact size of the circle formed by touching the tips of your middle finger and thumb, and the vertical beam reaches exactly one hand length above your head.

We have a beam passing through our third eye chakra straight through the pineal chakra and out the back of the head. We have a beam going side to side out of our head and the spots where this beam exits the head are where animals grow horns. We also have a 45 degree "Unicorn" beam.

If you take the distance from the tip of your nose to the tip of your chin as your length and measure this up a measure from the nose you have the exact location of your third eye. This is where the beam that passes through the third eye and straight out the back of the head is. Take that same measure up one more length and that is exactly where the "Unicorn" beam exits the front of your head. It comes out the back of the head towards the ground. Going up one more length with that same measure is exactly where your crown chakra is and that is where the vertical beam exits.

Background Credit: ESO