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The word Mer-Ka-Ba used in this way comes from ancient Egypt. Mer means counter rotating fields of light spinning in the same place. Ka means an individual spirit. Ba is that spirits interpretation of reality. For us with physical bodies Ba is our body, our physical reality. For a spirit that is formless Ba is the interpretion of reality they bring with them. The Merkaba is a counterrotating field of light that affects spirit and body simultaneously. It is a vehicle that can take our spirit and body to other worlds and dimensions. It can also create reality.

Merkaba science is the most studied subject in the universe. There are thousands of different Merkabas and we only have access to the first two. The second is what we will be using to go to the next dimension with our memories in tact. Once you've activated your Merkaba this is your last lifetime on Earth. This is what we've been in the eternal return for: so we could remember this and so much more.

The Merkaba, Leonardo sphere, and breathing tube. The only thing is that when we breathe prana we want it to meet at the heart chakra. You can have the flows meet at any chakra but Mother Earth is having them meet at the heart so that's what we need to do to be in resonance with her. Once you've activated your Merkaba the breathing tube extends all the way to the ends of the Merkaba so it will now reach about 28 feet above and below you.

The Merkaba is our crystalline light body that expands in all directions around us for a diameter of about 55-60 feet depending on your height. It is a function of the mind and is made up of three whole star tetrahedrons within themselves that perfectly fill our leonardo sphere. One stationary star tetrahedron and two counterrotating at 9/10ths the speed of light with a fibonacci speed ratio of 21-34. The rotating star tetrahedrons are the left and right brain and the stationary star tetrahedron contains our personalities from past lives on the points. It is possible to rotate the stationary star tetrahedron and take on personalities from past lives. The left brain star tetrahedron rotates counter-clockwise at 34 and the right brain star tetrahedron rotates clockwise at 21. The difference between that is 13 so if you were looking at someones Merkaba it would appear to be rotating counter-clockwise.

The orientation of the stationary star tetrahedron for men and women.

The rotating star tetrahedrons within our leonardo sphere are just the first layer of the Merkaba. More and more geometries are layered reaching out and perfectly filling the 55-60ft sphere called the omega sphere (the leonardo sphere is also called the alpha sphere). The Merkaba extends into all possible dimensions and uses the laws of that dimension to manifest. As we evolve we learn to use more of the geometries within the Merkaba as they correspond to the higher dimensions we move through. This is why activating the Merkaba really gets the attention of ourselves in the higher dimensions. We've woken up.

The Sombrero galaxy. The Merkaba looks just like the infrared heat envelope of a galaxy. Primarily, if you were to look at somebody's Merkaba with your eyes or sensitive equipment that can detect the microwaves, this is what you'd see.
If the Sombrero galaxy is us then the sphere in the center is the Leonardo sphere that perfectly contains our body. There's a larger sphere that perfectly contains the the whole Merkaba with a diameter of 55-60ft, the Omega sphere. That sphere is filled with the geometries that allow us to manifest in different dimensions and access higher consciousness. One of the outer most geometries of our Merkaba is a combination of the dodecahedron and icosahedron. It's geometrically similar to the Christ consciousness grid around Earth. This is important because it means we can resonate with the Christ or Unity consciousness grid of the Earth.
Our original eight cells. Connect the center of these spheres to form the star tetrahedron and the cube. We keep the first 8 cells we made in the womb our whole lives about an inch or so above the perineum. There's a flat disk extending in all directions to the edge of the Merkaba from our original 8 cells. When some people activate their Merkaba they feel the disk fly out.

A very important aspect of the Merkaba is that it's connected to the tiny space of the heart. The Merkaba has duality. It is of the brain. If it's not used from the tiny space of the heart, if that connection from the heart to the brain isn't there then it becomes very limited in what it can do. It won't be capable of creating reality or traveling between worlds and dimensions without the connection of the spirit in the tiny space of the heart. It needs to be used from a place of unity to have it's full potential. In Hebrew Merkaba means chariot or vehicle and for us right now that's it's most important function. It will take us from one level of existence to another and protect us on the journey.

We can program the Merkaba like a crystal. Keep in mind that the Merkaba is you, so treat it nicely. You can not use your Merkaba to do harm to anything anywhere or it will die. You can give it female instructions where it is up to God how it establishes it's orders or you can give it male programming and it will always do the same thing, it's just in the wording. You can program your Merkaba while walking down the street or riding a bike it just takes your intention, just like with crystals.

For example, you can do a program like: "Make me invisible, undetectable, and untraceable", if you were so inclined. The Merkaba produces a tremendous amount of energy and the government can detect it and track you; at this point they understand what the Merkaba is and won't bother you but maybe one likes to be low key. That is a male program. A female program would be something like: "Protect me in the best way God sees fit". God can do anything or not do anything. Female programs are very powerful because they shift and change, it's almost impossible to beat that.

Nobody anywhere can change your Merkaba programming except you so it's important not to forget what you've programmed or to periodically clear all programs and do something new. There's nothing wrong with playing with Merkaba programming but the highest form of programming is no programming. The asexual way of knowing that all life is connected, creation and everything that happens is perfect and part of God's plan. There are very few truly asexual beings on Earth, if any.

When I activated my Merkaba I opened my eyes during the meditation and felt a spin happen in both directions. As I continued to breathe prana I got really really hot and it started to feel like my Leonardo sphere was completely full of Prana like I couldn't hold anymore. I had to start sending it to fill the entire Merkaba and then I could relax.

A big part of this process for me has been learning to trust my inner guidance and not fear certain aspects of myself. When I initially activated my Merkaba I questioned and doubted it and immediately it felt bad to doubt it, that was my inner guidance telling me that it had actually happened. I kept questioning it for weeks afterward and eventually I recieved such convincing synchronicities coinciding with me deciding to trust the feelings of my heart that I just knew. I stopped doubting my senses.

Background Credit: ESO