Earth andGalaxy

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In the beginning there was only void and spirit. Any movement didn't feel like movement because there was nothing to move relative to. You could be falling at the speed of light and not feel anything. There was just God in the void. He projected beams of awareness in all four cardinal directions and up and down into the void, all the same length. The maximum distance you can project your awareness is always the same. This formed an octahedron. Then God spun on one axis then another and one more to form a perfect sphere and now there was something in the void.

Movement could now be percieved and God moved to the surface of this sphere, repeated the process to form another sphere of the exact same size and said "Let there be light.". The vesica piscis contains all the necessary information for light. God continued in this way going to the inner most circle point, the points in the construction that projected the least distance into void from the starting point, and created more spheres each one adding new layers of knowledge and complexity to creation until we had the seed of life, the tree of life, the flower of life, and metatrons cube, containing all the elements as platonic solids, and much much more that I don't even understand yet.

This image does a good job of portraying the fractal, holographic nature of reality. It goes infinitely smaller or infinitely larger, halving or doubling in size.
The flower containing the seed which holds the tree.
The flower also holds the fruit.
Connect the center of the circles of the fruit to form Metatron's cube. Metatron's cube holds all the platonic solids.
The elements represented as the platonic solids.

Sacred geometry is an extensive and fascinating subject. Everything is proportion and form. It's all just images. "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" volumes 1 and 2 by Drunvalo Melchizedek are a really comprehensive resource to learn about sacred geometry and how it relates to consciousness.

One spirit flows through all life. We all came from god. Everything was created by imaginary beams of awareness. This says a lot about reality and why reality has been called maya-illusion. It's why Jesus could walk on water and turn water in to wine. He said we could do everything he did and more. We're only limited by our beliefs.

Background Credit: ESO/S. Guisard (