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There are two ways that we can create. We can create from the heart or we can create from the brain. The brain is polarized, divided in two, female and male, left and right. Creation from the brain will always also be in polarity. You'll get what you want coming towards you and from behind, where you can't see it, what you don't want. The heart has no polarity. Only good things come from the heart and it has the power to create without doing harm to anybody anywhere.

Prayer is a form of creation. People all over the world hold giant prayer and meditation circles for world peace and it hasn't done anything to lessen war. The brain always creates the opposite of what was intended along with the desired result, it is a polarity instrument, it doesn't know anything else. When we create from the brain we create both polarities of our intention.

There is a method to manifest from the brain but people should not do it because you will always also create the opposite of what you want. A manifestation from the brain happens in a logical way. If you want rain you'd see clouds start to form, it happens in a way with steps that you can logically follow. Creation from the heart does not have to be logical whatsoever. Creation from the heart is how miracles happen.

There's also simple manifestation. If we hold the vibration of whatever we wish to experience it will show up. Most people do this by feeling gratitude for having the thing. Everything is within, there's nothing that you don't already have. There's nothing you can't feel. In manifesting this way however, or any way, you have to feel that you already have it. That's how you have to speak to create. You're not trying to do something if you're trying to do it you'll never do it, you're trying. You have to speak as if it's already done.

Creation from the Brain

To create from the brain you first have to put your attention on the thing you'd like to manifest. So if you're missing a leg put your attention on your missing leg. Then hold the intention for the leg to grow back. In the next three steps you have to engage all of your bodies besides the lightbody. Your mental body, the mind must see the missing leg completely whole and healthy as if it were never missing and the mind must know that it will be restored immediately or within a short time frame. While engaging the mental body you must also feel the emotions associated with the healing. It can't just be your mind saying that you feel the feeling you have to actually feel feelings to engage your emotional body. So you have to actually cry with gratitude or feel whatever it is you would feel. While engaging your mental and emotional body the last and most overlooked step is to engage your physical body. You must feel the restoration taking place: bones, ligaments, etc. growing out. I guess whatever a lizard feels when it regrows a tail is what you would feel.

This is creation from the mind. It has to happen in a way with logical steps that your brain can follow but, because it comes from the brain you create both polarities of your intention so if somebody tried this they would probably lose their other leg.

Creation from the Heart

The heart is the realm of miracles. It can somehow create without doing harm to anybody anywhere. You can have whatever you want from the heart and it's okay. Where the brain has to have logical steps it can follow for creation to occur the heart is female it doesn't have to be logical at all. You can have rain appear immediately where there were no clouds a second before. You can walk on water, turn water to wine, have something appear out of middair before you, instantly heal an affliction, done from the heart, it's okay.

A quick note about healing: In healing others it's a good idea to get permission from their higher self before helping them because you could interfere with an important development for them. They could be on the verge of remembering their power to heal themselves or learning an important lesson. It's best not to mess with anyone's karma. Only their higher self would be able to tell you whether helping would do more harm than good or not.

The state of consciousness we have to be in to create from the heart is the same level of consciousness that Jesus and Buddha were in. At that level we've raised ourselves high enough to where higher consciousness can bring themselves lower and communicate with us. Being in this state with the golden halo sphere around our head is pretty much the first step of ascension. It's for so much more than just creation, but learning how to create from the heart is an important step in our development. We can heal the world from this place.

Creation and Merkaba Activation Meditation

Once you've found your way to the heart, can be in your tiny space, and you've activated the beams of light, there's a spot on the roof of the mouth we have to rub with our tongue. This is sex between the heart and the brain. There's a sack that encapsulates the heart and this sack reaches up and becomes the tongue. There's a direct physiological connection between the tongue and the heart. On the roof of the mouth right where the hard palette becomes the soft palette there's a little spot that is basically a clitoris. When you stimulate it with the tongue it becomes aroused and it stimulates the brain to produce abnormally high amounts of Alpha waves. Alpha waves are joy; just like Peter Pan to fly you just have to think happy thoughts.

The pineal gland is the third eye, it has color receptors and a lense on top for focusing light except its not an eye for seeing external light like our two eyes, it's for seeing the light of prana, the internal light. It faces straight up inside the prana tube.

From the tiny space of the heart rub the spot on the roof of the mouth in the center of the hard palette right before it becomes the soft palette. You'll feel it swell as you stimulate it (some people have a hole there instead). Then you move your awareness from the tiny space to the pineal chakra looking forwards at the third eye from the inside.

From the pineal chakra looking at the third eye you'll see a dark spot, or it could be any color, this is the pituitary chakra. Sit in the pineal chakra and watch this dark spot until Alpha gets high enough in your brain that you see a green light. With your intention, turn your pineal gland(eye) towards the pituitary chakra. With your pineal gland facing straight ahead at the pituitary chakra, when Alpha gets high enough, the green light will become geometrical. It will spiral in and lock on to your pineal chakra. Sometimes it spirals, sometimes it makes concentric rings getting smaller towards the pineal, sometimes it will be squares. It will always be geometrical because the pituitary chakra is for the geometries of the universe. Like how the sound chakra, heart chakra, sexual chakra all have different qualites, this chakra is for the geometry of creation.

Once the green light has spiraled in and locked on to your pineal chakra, with your intention, push that light out to connect with an external chakra that is a measure in front of your third eye. The measure being the distance from the tip of your chin to the tip of your nose. Push the light out, connect it with the external chakra, then that part is done you don't have to think about it anymore. You've activated the golden halo sphere around your head and opened your third eye.

Keep rubbing the roof of the mouth. Bring your attention back to the tiny space of the heart and if you haven't yet, rhythmically breathe prana and ask for your Merkaba to activate. It will automatically come back to life. Now you can love the images and dreams of the heart and intend for them to manifest in external reality and those images will go from the heart, to the halo sphere around your head, to the Leonardo sphere and now they are in the external reality.

This is an ancient understanding of reality that everything is just images. Everything we see, sense, and feel around us is just an image on the inside surface of our Leonardo sphere. Once you've experienced it, once you've seen something appear in front of you or, some part of you heal or, change, you will know for certain that it's real.

Background Credit: ESO