Earth andGalaxy

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I think it's important that everybody has a basic understanding of the chakra system. You can look at it as the first through seventh chakras with a return making eight total or you can see it as one through 12 with a return making thirteen. I prefer the Egyptian thirteen chakra system personally because I can feel the difference between the upper heart and the lower heart, they correspond to the sacred space and the tiny space of the heart. Tt doesn't matter if you use the eight or the thirteen chakra system you just have to use one. You can't use both systems at the same time; like with quantum physics how it's only effective to view reality as waveform or particles but not both simultaneously.

The chakras are lenses through which we view and interact with reality. When we first come into a new world the first thing we want is to survive. Once we've established survival in a new world we want to make physical contact with the beings there, this is sexual. For a baby this is through the mothers breast. Then we want to test the limits of what is possible in our new world. This is where children go through the "terrible twos". This is flexing our willpower and feeling our ego. Then there is the lower heart chakra which is love for all life everywhere and past that God put a half step between the lower heart and the higher heart chakras. We have to have sufficient experience with the lower chakras before we can move higher.

This experience of growth through the chakras is consistent with all living things be it planets, countries, or galaxies. Establish survival, make contact, and test boundaries. Some people might stay in the lower chakras their whole lives and that's ok but, I think more and more are finding the higher layers.

As a side note, Our chakras rotate counter clockwise from your own perspective facing forward. Someone looking at you head on would see it rotating clockwise. If you put your right hand's thumb on your body the direction of your fingers is the direction of the spin. This is important if someone ever wants to do some healing with a focus on a specific chakra. When people get very emotional and out of balance a chakra will swell to a couple hands across and you can calm them right down by tightening the spin and reining it in with your intention.

The upper heart is personal love, love for anything that isn't everything. It's when you love a person, a place, a planet. The lower heart is christ love. Love for all of creation, unconditional love. Unconditional love is a prerequisite to evolve past a certain point.

External technology no matter how sophisticated is a weakness and takes us further from God. All the technology we'll ever need is within and we can do things machines will never do. All knowledge everywhere can be found within the tiny space of the heart.

Once we've had sufficient experience with the chakras available to us in this dimension, 1-7 or 1-12, we get to the return and the return is the root chakra of the next dimension. We're babies again in a new world on a new level and we get taller. A fully grown human here is a baby in the 4th dimension.

The Merkaba field around our bodies, our chakras, the whole human energy system is very subtle. These fields produce microwaves with a temperature of 4 degrees kelvin. These energies are subtle and also the most powerful in the universe, they created everything.

Background Credit: ESO