Earth andGalaxy

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Immeasurable love rises to meet us at all times as we are here on Earth. She grounds us, connects us to the greater cosmic circuitry, and gives us access to infinite energy. There's no more perfect playground than on this sphere where she stops to meet the grand tide of cosmic energy.

This is the ultimate goal of consciousness: co-creation. The ultimate bliss when two bodies of energy meet. The Earth is love itself. She gives us everything we need to live life in this dimension. We get to experience all the phenomena of consciousness in this microcosm and there's some experiences that can only be had here. Earth is moving into the 4th dimension and then the 5th dimension, where people realize that everything is love and their thoughts create reality.

Love is the force that connects all of creation. Nothing could exist without it.

The time we live in is conducive to expansion. Swathes of people are broadening their awareness of the subtle energies and learning how their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs affect reality.

The ascension is due at any moment and we all are going to the next dimension. Our mother Earth loves us so much. In the meantime all there is to do is enter our hearts, activate our lightbodies, and we will maintain our memories when we pass through the great void into the fourth dimension, where we will learn even more on our way to the fifth.

The rise and fall of consciousness on Earth coincides with the precession of the equinoxes. As the north pole rotates to point towards the center of the Galaxy consciousness rises and when it rotates past that zenith back away from the center of the Galaxy consciousness falls. This wobble of Earth spinning on it's axis and the corresponding rise and fall of consciousness is what the Vedic people described as the Yugas. Right now we're about an eighth of the way back towards the center of the Galaxy. We're in the ascending Dwapara Yuga.

How the precession of the equinoxes lines up with the Yugas
Sri Yukteswar's yuga diagram. An important thing to understand about this chart is that it depicts which constellation the Earth is in physically. Also the chart is a little old so we've moved forwards a bit. Physically the Earth is in Leo but if you look 180 degrees across the heavens the sky has just entered Aquarius.

It's at these points in the precession of the equinoxes, a little before and after the zenith of the high and low of human consciousness where great change is predicted to happen.

Probably the most important lesson here on Earth is that we are creators. Many know this is true but haven't had experiences to sink in how real this is on all levels.

After seeing it enough times any attentive person will notice that with any repeating experience the constant is them and specifically their thoughts and beliefs. Sometimes people believe that they have to work hard to "get out" of a situation and since that's what they think that's how it will be. Change what you think and change what you experience. The only "work" is controlling your thoughts, habits, and beliefs. You can feel anything you want, no need to wait for permission from an experience or thing to feel how you think it would make you feel. You feel that feeling you crave and it will bring whatever is on the same wavelength, vibration, whatever resonates.

This is the goal of this website. I'd like to help people remember self empowerment, take back their power to create reality instead of giving it away, and remember how to create with God.

It's important that we get used to creating our experiences here in the 3rd dimension because when we get to the 4th our thoughts will become reality instantly. It will make the transition much easier if we get accustomed to it now. If it's from the heart you can have anything you want, it's okay. The heart remembers unity consciousness there's no duality there. Only good things come from the heart.

There is a conscioussness grid around the Earth for every species alive. The grids hold the experiences of every member of that species and each grid has unique geometry. The grids are why individual scientists on opposite sides of the world will invent the same thing at the same time. The grids are the reason for the hundredth monkey effect. When enough members of a species learn something all members of the species can now do it, it's in the grid. The military powers of the world learned of the grids in the 40's and built bases all over the planet at nodal points where lines of the human consciousness grid intersect to try to control human consciousness.

Examples of possible grids. One for every species and one for every consciousness level of that species.

When humanity fell due to the crisis in Atlantis our seat of consciousness went from our hearts to our brains and the way we breathe changed. We started breathing through our nose and mouth instead of through the top and bottom of the breathing tube that runs the length of our body from crown to perineum. Our breathing tube is the size of the circle made by touching the middle finger to the thumb. In newborn babies you can see the crown and perineum pulsing because they are still breathing in the correct way.

This new way of breathing through the nose and mouth pybasses the pineal gland which is right in the center of the breathing tube and our pineal glands have been atrophying for 13,000 years. The pineal gland for all intents and purposes is an eye and its resting position is directly up to the heavens. It can be turned to look out of the third eye but like how we can't look out the back of our heads the pineal gland can not turn towards the Earth.

The Merkaba, Leonardo sphere, and breathing tube. This image is a good rendition of the Merkaba. You can see the breathing tube and the little sphere where the prana from the top and bottom of the tube meet. The only difference is that we have the flows meet at the heart. You can have the flows meet at any chakra but it's best to have it meet at the heart because that's what Earth is doing and we need to be in resonance with her for the Ascension.

We have enough time before the global shift in consciousness to have a lot of fun here in the 3rd dimension and to heal mother Earth. The damage we've done to her is extraordinary. It's our duty and our karma to restore her to a pristine, clean, state of health before we go to 4th dimension Earth or even to other worlds. At the point we're at higher consciousness is the only possible way to restore the Earth. There are no material means capable of this task. Restoring Earth to how she was hundreds of thousands of years ago, whenever her peak health was will prove to ourselves what we are truly capable of and it will balance our karma as a race for what we've done in our ignorance.

The Ascended Masters of our race and so many other life forms love us so much. We would've never been able to make it back to where we were without them. Without all their effort over the last 13,000 years we would've destroyed ourselves but, humanity made it. Someone or some people have returned to the level of consciousness we had before the fall and that experience is in the human consciousness grid. We can all remember the power of our hearts and start creating reality from the sacred space. If you have the desire and the love you can do this. You just have to believe in yourself.

There's no race to the finish line to make it to the ascension either. Every single person is going when Earth decides it's time. The people who haven't activated their light bodies will just be on a lower octave of the 4th dimension and Ascended Masters will show them what they need to know and help them through the transition. So if you have the inclination, if we start creating now it will make it much easier when we get to the next level.