Earth andGalaxy

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Earth, Galaxy, and You form the holy trinity where the presence of God can truly be felt. Our mother Earth has given us everything we have, including our bodies. She loves us and will always love us. Father sky: all of the rest of creation. He created the universe for us. He loves us and will always love us. We can send our love to the Earth, to the heavens, and to ourselves and it will always be returned. This vibration opens the door to our hearts and from the tiny space within the sacred space of the heart is where God created everything and everything can be found.

The "Earth" section has some information about the cycles of our planet, our ancient past that brought us to this point, the grids around the Earth, nutrition information that has helped me greatly, and a little about energy devices. The Galaxy section brings a lot of ancient knowledge into modern terms. It's everything we need to know to get back to the level of consciousness we once had without 20-40 years of meditation.

Background Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO). Visible light image: the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope